Thursday, August 2, 2012

A new writing adventure

Welcome! This will be my first post here, however, this is not my first blog. My previous blog chronicled my adventures of preparing for my first marathon. This blog will be about living simply to simply live. Chaos sometimes takes over my life so this blog will be a way to combat the chaos through thoughtful writing, handy tips and randomness!

I would like to credit @LunaticatLarge for getting me to start a blog. It is because of her wonderful blog Camels & Chocolate that I thought I could start a blog in the first place. That and the contest to win a trip on the place where I've had more adventures and eye opening experiences than ever before, the MV Explorer Enrichment Voyages.

The contest is still going on, I do have one request though, if you win please take me with you!!!

Also be sure to check back to see what kind of wacky home adventures I'm taking part in. Thanks!
